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Philosophy of Religion: Neuroscience and Belief


Does neuroscience show us that religious belief is just caused by particular brain activations? If so, does this present a problem for those who believe in God?

Socratic Interviews: Calvinism and Unconditional Damnation


According to Reformed Theology that many people refer to by the nickname "Calvinism", the Doctrine of Limited Atonement and Unconditional Election go hand in hand. The Atonement refers to Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross as a means to satisfy God's Divine Justice for sin, allowing Him to bestow Grace. Limited Atonement refers to the fact that this sacrifice does not apply to every single human being, and therefore explains why not everyone is saved. It is only for those that God chose to elect before ever creating any person. This choice has no conditions on the individuals chosen, but does that mean that there are also no conditions on people he passes over?

Socratic Interviews: Pride 2024 Part 2


A street evangelist at Pride 2024 agreed to be interviewed and questioned about his message and its compatibility with the Bible around Faith and Assurance. Near the end he is challenged with another perspective that makes him reflect on these questions.

Socratic Interviews: Pride 2024 Part 1


This interview takes place at a downtown Pride event. There are street preachers all over the place, representing different groups and organizations/churches. They agree to interview with me and let me ask some questions representing other online groups at their request, about matters concerning the Bible with Faith and Assurance and how it's consistent with their message.

The Rationality of Theism: Part 2

 Part 2 is continuing this discussion on the rationality of theism following an initial cosmological argument for a first cause to contingent reality. It was followed by a secondary argument for why the first cause would have agency and consciousness. 

The Rationality of Theism: Part 1


Theism being a rational belief has been argued for centuries. Many different forms of arguments and evidence have been presented, different positions of how to have knowledge and many other aspects. This conversation will explore foundational reasons to infer to God on a rational basis.

Atheist and Christian on the Rationality of the Resurrection

A conversation that began as an atheist's opinion on how Christians evangelizing from a post on social media turned into a discussion on the rationality and evidence surrounding the Resurrection of Jesus.