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Atheist and Christian on the Rationality of the Resurrection

A conversation that began as an atheist's opinion on how Christians evangelizing from a post on social media turned into a discussion on the rationality and evidence surrounding the Resurrection of Jesus.

The conversation starts by going over the social media post, which are suggestions for how to engage with an unbeliever from an unbeliever's perspective. 

The first half will be going over the atheist's suggestions from the post, naturally moving through contentious connections that follow between theism and atheism. It then focuses on the evidence for the Resurrection from specific angles from the suggestions that started the conversation.

Below is the the social media post that started the talk, and a recording of the conversation.

"I'm an atheist, but I'm going to give you some advice on converting atheists to Christ.

1. When you engage in an argument, don't insist that you are right. In fact, acknowledge that you might be wrong. You don't have to believe that you are wrong, but admitting that you _might_ be makes your chance of conversion much greater. It's perceived as hypocritical to expect others to examine their beliefs without being willing to examine yours.

2. If the atheist tells you that they were once a Christian, don't argue with them. By remaining silent, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

3. Don't discuss politics, especially if you voted for Trump. Don't discuss abortion, or BLM, or gay marriage, or anything that might cause division. You are trying to save their soul, not convert them to the GOP.

4. Find common ground. If you are a both Star Wars fans or love the MCU, discuss it. Friendly mutual interests bind you—they are not a distraction.

5. If you are a Young Earther, or an anti-vaxxer, or you think the pandemic was a hoax, don't mention it. This is similar to #3.

6. Avoid these overused apologist arguments: The argument from morality, Lunatic, Liar or Lord, Pascal's Wager, the 'minimal facts' argument, or anything involving presuppositionalism. These arguments are only convincing to apologists.

7. Listen to what the atheist has to say. When they make a good point, concede it. The atheist is more more inclined to acknowledge your good points if you acknowledge theirs.
8. Avoid these logical fallacies: Red herrings, strawmanning, moving goalposts, appeals to authority, ad populum, and ad hominems. There are others, but these are the fallacies that atheists will notice the most.

I've been returning atheists to Christianity for over 30 years. These techniques work."