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Different Bible Translations

 It's often popularized that modern English Bible translations are not reliable and have been re-translated through many languages. While this is easy to falsify, this will be a brief introduction to the different type of English translations.

Below is an excerpt of The Bottom-Line Guide to the Bible on the reliability of translations by Robert M. Bowman Jr. from The Institute for Religious Research. You can find more here.

7 Points related to the below translations:

ESV: English Standard Version

NASB: New American Standard

NKJV: New King James Version

HCSB: Holman Christian Standard

NET: New English Translation

NLT: New Living Translation

KJV: King James Version

NIV: New International Version

NRSV: New Revised Standard

NAB: New American Bible

NJB: New Jerusalem Bible

NWT: New World Translation

One reason for the question about the Bible is the fact that in some languages, especially in English, a large number of translations are available. Since they differ in their wording, some people conclude that all such translations are unreliable. That conclusion is mistaken, for the following seven reasons.

1. Most English versions are extremely reliable, just not absolutely perfect. The Christian view that the Bible is without error refers to the original Hebrew and Greek text. It applies to English versions only insofar as they accurately represent those ancient texts. Since most versions do so with a very high degree of accuracy, they are reliable even though not absolutely perfect.

2. English versions sometimes differ because they are translating different editions of the original language text. We discussed this issue in Part 1. Particularly in the New Testament, most modern translations are based on earlier Greek manuscripts than were available to the translators of the KJV (also followed in the NKJV). For example, in Matthew 5:47 most versions say “Do not even the Gentiles do the same?” (ESV, NASB, NRSV) while the NKJV says “Do not even the tax collectors do so?” In this case, most versions follow the Greek manuscripts that have the word ethnikoi (“Gentiles”) rather than telōnai (“tax collectors”) and the expression to auto (“the same”) instead of houtōs (“thus, so”). These are not differences in translation at all. Most Bibles contain marginal notes or footnotes letting the reader know about such differences in the original-language text. Notice that in this example the difference does not change the point of the verse, which is that even people Jesus’ hearers might regard with disdain are nice to those who are nice to them. Almost all such variations in English Bibles likewise make little difference with regard to the Bible’s meaning.

3. Anyone who learns Hebrew and Greek can check the translations to see how accurate they are. In general, it is amateur Bible critics and those swayed by them, not biblical scholars, who are skeptical about the reliability of English translations. The scholars may have their preferences or argue about how best to translate a word or phrase here or there, but they do not express wholesale skepticism of the English Bible as do many critics of the Christian faith.

4. Different words can be used to express the same meaning. In Romans 5:8, the KJV says “God commendeth,” while contemporary versions say “God shows” (ESV), “God proves” (HCSB, NAB, NRSV), or “God demonstrates” (NASB, NET, NIV, NKJV). There is no difference in the Greek text underlying these versions here and no real difference in the meaning of the translations; they simply use different English words to express the meaning of the Greek verb sunistēsin, which a standard lexicon defines as meaning “to provide evidence of a personal characteristic or claim through action, demonstrate, show, bring out.” A large percentage of the differences in translations are of this type.

5. Translations sometimes differ because they follow different methodologies. English versions fall along a spectrum from those that are more word-for-word (e.g., the NASB) to those that are more thought-for-thought (e.g., the NLT), with others toward the middle (e.g., the NET). All of these methodologies involve a trade-off: the more word-for-word a version is, the less readable or easily comprehensible it is, while the more thought-for-thought a version is, the more the translators are actively interpreting the text for the readers. In many instances modern versions will translate an ancient idiom to express its meaning. For example, “the valley of the shadow of death” in Psalm 23:4 (ESV, KJV, NAB, NASB) is translated “the darkest valley” in several versions (HCSB, NET, NIV, NLT, NRSV); one version tries to split the difference (“a ravine as dark as death,” NJB). It isn’t that one of these is “right” and the others are “wrong”; they are just different kinds of translations, each of which is legitimate in its own way.

6. In a few instances the meaning of a word was or is unknown or uncertain. This happens especially when a word occurs only once in the whole Bible. In such instances scholars either transliterate the word (spell it using English letters) or give the best guess. For example, the expression “gopher wood” in Genesis 6:14 (KJV, ESV, NASB, etc.) gives a transliteration of the Hebrew word gopher because its meaning is uncertain, though some modern versions translate it as “cypress wood” (NET, NIV, NLT, NRSV). Again, such difficulties do not interfere with understanding the import of the passage as a whole.

7. Some versions differ in places because of theological bias. A good example is the NWT, the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ version, which notoriously translates John 1:1 “and the Word was a god” because they deny that Jesus is God. It may seem difficult for someone without training in biblical languages to decide which versions are biased. However, usually one can get a good handle on the matter by comparing several versions. A version with many verses that differ from most other versions in doctrinally significant ways, as does the NWT, is likely unreliable.
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